Tuesday, March 6

Hey peep-olays!

Yeah, it's been a little while.
I was busy.
Anyways, wanted to tell you about my pix.
Mainly, I wanted to talk about the Marie one.
I am in geometry, before my freshman year in high school. I'm also in the IB program. Oh yeah, I can tell you're jealous...but moving on, only a truly dedicated (or extremely bored) student would go to the trouble of changing it's previously garish pink/purple polka-dot pattern of before to a pretty baby-blue.
So back to the smart thing--HA! I'm smarter then you'll ever be, and you should just quit while you're ahead (unless of course you're one of my crazy IB friends reading this, in which case is either just as smart or smarter than me...)
Anyways, I'll stop ranting. Maybe you could count the number of times I used the word :"I".

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